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Node 3NASA would like you to come up with a name for their new Node 3 and cupola, which houses a robotic workstation to control that giant arm. They prefer something along the lines of Unity or Harmony and, by the same token, would prefer you not name it something too common. Vote for your choice in their poll or suggest your own before March 20. The name will be announced in April and Endeavor will delivering “Fred” this December.

Read More | Nasa

Gallery: Help NASA Choose Node 3 Name


Fast FindTravelers who tend towards the extreme may want to think about investing in the Fast Find, an emergency location beacon that connects to the 406 MHz Search and Rescue satellite system. When activated, the Personal Location Beacon sends a signal for help and will continue to transmit at 5W for the next 24 hours. The Fast Find is only 1.34 x 1.85 x 4.17-inches, weighs 5.3 oz., has a 5 year battery and is available in a standard 200 model or the 210, with GPS for faster locating.

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Gallery: Fast Find Location Beacon

HamsterDr. Zhong Lin Wang of Georgia University’s Nano Research Group built some tiny flexible jackets equipped with wires and plugged hamsters in while they were running in their wheels. She found that one rodent could produce a tiny amount of AC power equal to 1/20 of an AA battery output. That means it would take about 1,000 of the little critters to generate enough power for a mobile phone. Dr. Wang believes that the same technology could be fitted into clothes within about 5 years for larger animals and humans. But gee, maybe she should consult Ed Begley Jr., who spends 10 minutes on his pedal-powered generator each morning to make toast, before entrepreneurs decide to set up animal sweatshops.

Read More | Telegraph

Gallery: Harnessed Hamster Produces Energy

Okay, we just came across this Louis C.K. clip, and had to share. Louis was a guest on Late Night with Conan O’Brien last year, and immediately started talking about the simpler times, before Wi-Fi availability on places and advanced smartphones. Give it a look, and let us know what you think - is he talking about you? Hey, we’re just as guilty ourselves…

Gallery: Louis C.K.: Everything is amazing and nobody is happy

WeightlessListen up, space freaks. NASA will give you a free flight in zero-gravity at the Johnson Space Center in Houston if you can come up with technology that may have potential use in their FAST (Facilitated Access to the Space Environment for Technology) projects. Individuals, schools, government agencies and U.S. companies are welcome to apply. Get your proposal in by March 20 and you could be one of the 20 selected. Oh, and remember to bring a barf bag.

Read More | NASA FAST

Gallery: FAST Offers Free Zero-Gravity Experience

Space TrashAfter last week’s collision of two satellites in space, experts estimate tens of thousands of pieces of space junk that they will now have to monitor. They already track over 17,000 pieces larger than 2 to 4 inches in diameter. The incident occurred between a U.S. Iridium commercial satellite and a derelict Russian military one about 500 miles above the planet. The FAA has received reports of falling debris over Texas, which could be related to the crash but was not confirmed. Either way, it may be 10,000 years before the floating stuff, seen in this artist’s rendering, will not be a threat to other satellites.

Read More | MSNBC

Gallery: Satellite Crash Causes Space Trash

Krispy KremeMoody’s Investors Service says that there may be 25 large company bankruptcies this year. Ratings from them and other sources came up with a list of those that are feeling the pinch. Sirius, Chrysler, Six Flags, Blockbuster, Rite Aid, and our beloved Krispy Kreme are all at risk of going under. Most of the companies have limited cash, large debts with huge interest payments and little chance of refinancing. While some of this may be inevitable, we suggest you go out and buy American. Treat your family or office to a dozen donuts or a trip to the amusement park.

Read More | Microblog Buzz

Gallery: More Companies Predicted to Go Under This Year

Database Map

The Department of Justice has created a public federal database that lets used car buyers check them out before purchase. About 2/3 completed, put in a vehicle number and you can get the car’s record. Salvage yards, states and insurance companies are required to submit the information that will include if the vehicle was damaged in a disaster or rebuilt after being wrecked or stolen. About 40 to 50 million used cars are sold in the U.S. every year. Since you never really know what kind of shape the vehicle you want is in, it’s definitely worth the $2.50 to get a report.


Read More | NMVTIS

Gallery: Consumers Used Car Internet Check

CruiseCastNow you can watch 22 TV and 20 radio satellite channels in your car with AT&T CruiseCast. Watch or listen to kids, entertainment, documentary, music, comedy, news and sports channels. Working with RaySat, the system features a receiver and compact antenna for trucks, cars and SUVs that they claim overcomes out-of-sight obstacles like tunnels or trees. CruiseCast works with any existing rear seat entertainment system and will be available this spring for $1,299.00 plus ~$28.00 monthly subscription fee.

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Gallery: AT&T CruiseCast to Include Satellite Stations

Traffic SignWe were surprised when we learned that electronic road signs are easily hackable. This is because the usually locked access panel is often left unprotected. Even more surprising is that the site iHacked tells you exactly how it is done with step by step instructions. They then caution,


Hmm. Isn’t that a bit like posting details on how to build a bomb and then saying that it is for informational use only?

Read More | iHacked

Gallery: Electronic Traffic Signs Hacked
